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I Have Missed You at My Table

I Have Missed You At My Table: Image

General Album Credits

  • Produced, engineered and mixed by Jeff Bohnhoff at Mystic Fig Studio

  • Arrangements by Mary Crowell and Jeff Bohnhoff

  • Mastered by Justin Weis at Trakworx

  • Album art by Starr Weems Album

  • Layout by Misty Granade

  • ​All songs written by Mary Crowell except the following: “Evil Dice Tango” (lyrics by Ian Badcoe and Mary Crowell; music by Mary Crowell) “The Xbox Makes You Antisocial” (lyrics by Lilium Crowell and Mary Crowell; music by Mary Crowell)

Website Links

01. Agatha Crane

Agatha is my favorite investigator in the cooperative game, Mansions of Madness, 2nd. ed. I even played a wizard based on her in a Eldritch themed D&D game.

Mary Crowell- Lead and backing vocals, keyboards, drum programming

Jeff Bohnhoff- Guitar, bass, drum programming

02. Mama’s Dice Lament

Some people don’t treasure their dice the way Mama does. It’s a shame really.

Mary Crowell- Lead and backing vocals, keyboards, drum programming, clarinet Jeff Bohnhoff- Guitar, bass, drum programming

03. What’s the DM Gonna Do?

The Dungeon Master worked really hard on preparing the game only to find out half the players have canceled. How’s that going to work out for them?

Mary Crowell- Lead and backing vocals, keyboards, drum programming

Jeff Bohnhoff- Guitar, bass, drum programming

Maya Bohnhoff- backing vocals

04. When I Was a Little Rat (Full Company)

Temple Screavy, the scion of her wererat family would like you to meet her fellow travelers on the Flotilla.

Mary Crowell- Lead and backing vocals, keyboards, drum programming

Jeff Bohnhoff- Guitar, bass, drum programming

Maya Bohnhoff- backing vocals

05. Evil Dice Tango

Just how wicked can those dice rolls get? UK poet and lyricist, Ian Badcoe has some thoughts!

Mary Crowell- Lead and backing vocals, keyboards, drum programming

Jeff Bohnhoff- Guitar, bass, drum programming

Maya Bohnhoff- backing vocals

Amanda Bohnhoff- backing vocals

06. The Xbox Makes You Antisocial

Back in 2010, Lilium Crowell had Definite Opinions about the direction social media was taking us. She wasn’t wrong.

Mary Crowell- Lead and backing vocals, keyboards, drum programming

Jeff Bohnhoff - Guitar, bass, drum programming

07. Runner Five (Album Version)

A tribute to the heroic runners at Abel Township in the splendid runners app, Zombies Run!

Mary Crowell- Lead and backing vocals, keyboards, drum programming

Jeff Bohnhoff- Guitar, bass, drum programming

08. I Have Missed You at My Table

I miss gaming with you. Did you know? One day we’ll do that again.

Mary Crowell- Lead and backing vocals, keyboards, drum programming, clarinet Jeff Bohnhoff- Guitar, bass, drum programming

09. Hat of Disguise

An ode to one of the social rogue’s favorite magic items.

Mary Crowell- Lead and backing vocals, keyboards, drum programming

Jeff Bohnhoff- Guitar, bass, drum programming

Amy McNally- fiddle

Maya Bohnhoff- backing vocals

10. The Tiniest Bit of the Powder

Inspired by The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women by Kate Moore (This is not a gaming song).

Mary Crowell- Lead and backing vocals, keyboards, drum programming

Jeff Bohnhoff- Guitar, bass, drum programming

Betsy Tinney- cello

11. Bump in the Cellar

A group of gamers chooses not to split the party!

Mary Crowell- Lead and backing vocals, keyboards, drum programming

Jeff Bohnhoff- Guitar, bass, drum programming

12. What Shall I Do With My Players?

The dungeon master has a little trouble preparing a session for an epic level party.

Mary Crowell- Lead and backing vocals, keyboards, drum programming

Jeff Bohnhoff- Guitar, bass, drum programming

13. When I Was a Little Rat (Vincent and Temple)

Temple Screavy teams up with her best friend and wizard, Vincent and his creepy familiar, Squiggles.

Mary Crowell- Lead and backing vocals, keyboards, drum programming

Jeff Bohnhoff- Guitar, bass, drum programming

Maya Bohnhoff- backing vocals

14. Why Did You Roll Your Dice Like That?

The dice-splainer song, because surely everyone loves a lecture at the gaming table.

Mary Crowell- Lead and backing vocals, keyboards, drum programming

Jeff Bohnhoff- Guitar, bass, drum programming

15. Truth on the Table

Is it about dice? Is it about the world we live in? It can be difficult to tell.

Mary Crowell- Lead and backing vocals, keyboards, drum programming

Jeff Bohnhoff- Guitar, bass, drum programming

16. Why I Was Late (the Pony Song)

The halfling rogue would like a word with her companions about improving their animal husbandry.

Mary Crowell- Lead and backing vocals, keyboards, drum programming

Jeff Bohnhoff- Guitar, bass, drum programming

Amy McNally- fiddle

I Have Missed You At My Table: Discography

©2022 by Mary Crowell.

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